Marcoflex: Alles voor de steenbewerking
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We hebben momenteel alleen een Engelse beschrijving beschikbaar. Helios H800 is a 5-axis bridge saw, perfect for cutting large sizes and big thickness of stones.
The bridge structure of the machines can be mounted on concrete or on galvanized carpentry structure, according to customer’s needs.
The saws can be equipped with a tilting table, which allows the easy loading of the pieces and the Photoscan system, which is helpful for an interactive use of the machine.
The Photoscan is a slabs scanner, a measuring system, and a template reader, which allows to start the cutting process just a click away.
This series of bridge saws is very strong, performing, and precise.
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We behoren tot de Derognat groep
Sinds september 2022 behoren we tot de Derognat groep en breiden hiermee ons gamma uit om jullie nog beter van dienst te kunnen zijn.